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LLAMMA is the market-making contract that rebalances the collateral. As the name suggests, this contract is responsible for liquidating collateral. Every market has its own AMM (created from a blueprint contract) containing the collateral asset and crvUSD.

When creating a new loan, the controller evenly distributes the collateral put up by the user across a specified number of bands in the AMM, each representing a range of collateral prices, and mints stablecoins for the user.

The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio depends on the number of bands:

\[LTV = 1 - \text{loan_discount} - 1 * \frac{N}{2*A}\]

The start of the liquidation range is also determined by the LTV:

\[ \text{starting_price} = \frac{debt} {collateral * LTV} \]


The starting_price value is in percentage. To calculate the starting price, one must multiply the value by the price_oracle when creating the loan.

Each individual band has an upper (p_oracle_up) and lower (p_oracle_down) price bound. These prices are not actual AMM prices, but rather thresholds for the bands.
Therefore, because it is a continuous grid, the lower price bound of, let's say, band 0 is the same as the upper price bound of band 1.

The concept of LLAMMA is to automatically convert collateral into crvUSD as the collateral price decreases, and vice versa, convert crvUSD back into the collateral asset when prices rise. When the collateral price is within a band that has deposited collateral, the position enters a so-called soft-liquidation mode and the health of the loan starts decreasing as external arbitrage traders soft-liquidiate a users collateral. More on this later.

When the health drops below 0%, the user is eligible for hard-liquidation. The users collateral can be sold off and the position will be closed (just as in regular liquidations).

There are three possible compositions of bands:

  • active_band consists of both crvUSD and the collateral asset, depending on the oracle price within the band
  • Bands < active_band: fully in crvUSD as the bands above have already gone through soft-liquidation
  • Bands > active_band: fully in the collateral asset as the bands have not been in soft-liquidation mode

bands > -2: fully in collateral asset, bands < -2: fully in crvUSD and band -2: contains both

To ensure assets are liquidated or de-liquidated, the AMM adjusts its price get_p to create arbitrage opportunities. Every trade within the AMM that arbitrages the price difference between oracle_price and get_p is essentially soft-liquidating users.

The AMM relies on two different prices:

  • price_oracle: collateral price fetched from an internal price oracle
  • get_p: oracle price of the AMM itself

When \(\text{price_oracle} = \text{get_p}\), the external oracle price and the AMM price are identical. There is no need to arbitrage prices. When the price oracle begins to change, the AMM price is adjusted (AMM price is more sensitive than the regular price_oracle) to open up arbitrage opportunities.

When the price of the collateral rises, then \(\text{price_oracle} < \text{get_p}\), arbitrage is possible by swapping the collateral asset into crvUSD until an price equilibrium is reached again.

Conversely, when the price starts to decrease, \(\text{price_oracle} > \text{get_p}\), arbitrage is possible by swapping crvUSD into the collateral asset until both prices reach equilibrium.


A position enters soft-liquidation mode only when the price oracle falls within a band where the user has deposited collateral. For example, if a user has collateral deposited between bands 10 and 0, they will not enter soft-liquidation as long as the oracle price stays outside these bands. In this scenario, the only "loss" the user faces is the variable interest rate of the market. Additionally, there is a rather rare possibility that a user's loan was fully soft-liquidated, resulting in all their collateral being converted to crvUSD. In such a case, the user would be out of soft-liquidation because the price oracle is below the lowest band.

Glossary Description
ticks, bands price ranges where liquidity is deposited
x coin which is being borrowed, typically stablecoin
y collateral coin
A amplification, the measure of how concentrated the tick is
rate interest rate
rate_mul rate multiplier, 1 + integral(rate * dt)
active_band current band. Other bands are either in one or other coin, but not both
min_band bands below this are definitely empty
max_band bands above this are definitely empty
bands_x[n], bands_y[n] amounts of coin x or y deposited in band n
user_shares[user,n] / total_shares[n] fraction of n'th band owned by a user
p_oracle external oracle price (can be from another AMM)
p (as in get_p) current price of AMM. It depends not only on the balances (x,y) in the band and active_band, but also on p_oracle
p_current_up, p_current_down the value of p at constant p_oracle when y=0 or x=0 respectively for the band n
p_oracle_up, p_oracle_down edges of the band when p=p_oracle (steady state), happen when x=0 or y=0 respectively, for band n

The code examples below are based on the tbtc/crvusd AMM.

>>> import ape

>>> AMM = ape.Contract("0xf9bd9da2427a50908c4c6d1599d8e62837c2bcb0")
>>> tbtc = ape.Contract("0x18084fbA666a33d37592fA2633fD49a74DD93a88")
>>> crvusd = ape.Contract("0xf939E0A03FB07F59A73314E73794Be0E57ac1b4E")

>>> tbtc.approve(AMM, 2**256-1, sender=trader)
>>> crvusd.approve(AMM, 2**256-1, sender=trader)

>>> with ape.accounts.use_sender(trader):

Depositing and Removing Collateral

Depositing and removing collateral can only be done by the admin of the AMM, the Controller.

  • Collateral is put into bands by calling deposit_range() whenever someone creates a new loan or adds collateral to the existing position.
  • Collateral is removed by calling withdraw().


AMM.deposit_range(user: address, amount: uint256, n1: int256, n2: int256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the Controller.

Function to deposit collateral amount for user in the range of bands between n1 and n2. This function can only be called by the admin of the AMM, which is the controller.

Emits: Deposit

Input Type Description
user address User address
amount uint256 Amount of collateral to deposit
n1 int256 Lower band in the deposit range
n2 int256 Upper band in the deposit range
Source code
event Deposit:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256

def deposit_range(user: address, amount: uint256, n1: int256, n2: int256):
    @notice Deposit for a user in a range of bands. Only admin contract (Controller) can do it
    @param user User address
    @param amount Amount of collateral to deposit
    @param n1 Lower band in the deposit range
    @param n2 Upper band in the deposit range
    assert msg.sender == self.admin

    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    collateral_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []

    n0: int256 = self.active_band

    # We assume that n1,n2 area already sorted (and they are in Controller)
    assert n2 < 2**127
    assert n1 > -2**127

    n_bands: uint256 = unsafe_add(convert(unsafe_sub(n2, n1), uint256), 1)
    assert n_bands <= MAX_TICKS_UINT

    y_per_band: uint256 = unsafe_div(amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION, n_bands)
    assert y_per_band > 100, "Amount too low"

    assert self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] == 0  # dev: User must have no liquidity
    self.user_shares[user].ns = unsafe_add(n1, unsafe_mul(n2, 2**128))

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    # Autoskip bands if we can
    for i in range(MAX_SKIP_TICKS + 1):
        if n1 > n0:
            if i != 0:
                self.active_band = n0
        assert self.bands_x[n0] == 0 and i < MAX_SKIP_TICKS, "Deposit below current band"
        n0 -= 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        band: int256 = unsafe_add(n1, i)
        if band > n2:

        assert self.bands_x[band] == 0, "Band not empty"
        y: uint256 = y_per_band
        if i == 0:
            y = amount * COLLATERAL_PRECISION - y * unsafe_sub(n_bands, 1)

        total_y: uint256 = self.bands_y[band]

        # Total / user share
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[band]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div((s + DEAD_SHARES) * y, total_y + 1)
        assert ds > 0, "Amount too low"
        s += ds
        assert s <= 2**128 - 1
        self.total_shares[band] = s

        total_y += y
        self.bands_y[band] = total_y

        if lm.address != empty(address):
            # If initial s == 0 - s becomes equal to y which is > 100 => nonzero
            collateral_shares.append(unsafe_div(total_y * 10**18, s))

    self.min_band = min(self.min_band, n1)
    self.max_band = max(self.max_band, n2)

    self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    log Deposit(user, amount, n1, n2)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(n1, collateral_shares)
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, n1, user_shares)


AMM.withdraw(user: address, frac: uint256) -> uint256[2]:

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the Controller.

Function to withdraw liquidity for user.

Emits: Withdraw

Input Type Description
user address User address
frac uint256 Fraction to withdraw (1e18 = 100%)
Source code
event Withdraw:
    provider: indexed(address)
    amount_borrowed: uint256
    amount_collateral: uint256

def withdraw(user: address, frac: uint256) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Withdraw liquidity for the user. Only admin contract can do it
    @param user User who owns liquidity
    @param frac Fraction to withdraw (1e18 being 100%)
    @return Amount of [stablecoins, collateral] withdrawn
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    assert frac <= 10**18

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback

    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    n: int256 = ns[0]
    user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    assert user_shares[0] > 0, "No deposits"

    total_x: uint256 = 0
    total_y: uint256 = 0
    min_band: int256 = self.min_band
    old_min_band: int256 = min_band
    old_max_band: int256 = self.max_band
    max_band: int256 = n - 1

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        x: uint256 = self.bands_x[n]
        y: uint256 = self.bands_y[n]
        ds: uint256 = unsafe_div(frac * user_shares[i], 10**18)
        user_shares[i] = unsafe_sub(user_shares[i], ds)  # Can ONLY zero out when frac == 10**18
        s: uint256 = self.total_shares[n]
        new_shares: uint256 = s - ds
        self.total_shares[n] = new_shares
        s += DEAD_SHARES  # after this s is guaranteed to be bigger than 0
        dx: uint256 = unsafe_div((x + 1) * ds, s)
        dy: uint256 = unsafe_div((y + 1) * ds, s)

        x -= dx
        y -= dy

        # If withdrawal is the last one - transfer dust to admin fees
        if new_shares == 0:
            if x > 0:
                self.admin_fees_x += x
            if y > 0:
                self.admin_fees_y += unsafe_div(y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
            x = 0
            y = 0

        if n == min_band:
            if x == 0:
                if y == 0:
                    min_band += 1
        if x > 0 or y > 0:
            max_band = n
        self.bands_x[n] = x
        self.bands_y[n] = y
        total_x += dx
        total_y += dy

        if n == ns[1]:
            n = unsafe_add(n, 1)

    # Empty the ticks
    if frac == 10**18:
        self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] = 0
        self.save_user_shares(user, user_shares)

    if old_min_band != min_band:
        self.min_band = min_band
    if old_max_band <= ns[1]:
        self.max_band = max_band

    total_x = unsafe_div(total_x, BORROWED_PRECISION)
    total_y = unsafe_div(total_y, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
    log Withdraw(user, total_x, total_y)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(0, [])  # collateral/shares ratio is unchanged
        lm.callback_user_shares(user, ns[0], user_shares)

    return [total_x, total_y]

Exchange Methods

The AMM can be used to exchange tokens, just like in any other AMM. This is necessary, as positions in soft-liquidation are arbitrated by trades within the AMM.

exchange uint256, j: uint256, in_amount: uint256, min_amount: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256[2]:

Function to exchange an amount of in_amount of token i for a minimum amount of _min_amount of token j.

Returns: amount of coins given in and out (uint256).

Emits: TokenExchange

Input Type Description
i uint256 Input coin index
j uint256 Output coin index
in_amount uint256 Amount of input coin to swap
min_amount uint256 Minimum amount of output coin to get
_for address Address to send coins to (defaulted to msg.sender)
Source code
event TokenExchange:
    buyer: indexed(address)
    sold_id: uint256
    tokens_sold: uint256
    bought_id: uint256
    tokens_bought: uint256

def exchange(i: uint256, j: uint256, in_amount: uint256, min_amount: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Exchanges two coins, callable by anyone
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param in_amount Amount of input coin to swap
    @param min_amount Minimal amount to get as output
    @param _for Address to send coins to
    @return Amount of coins given in/out
    return self._exchange(i, j, in_amount, min_amount, _for, True)

def _exchange(i: uint256, j: uint256, amount: uint256, minmax_amount: uint256, _for: address, use_in_amount: bool) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Exchanges two coins, callable by anyone
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param amount Amount of input/output coin to swap
    @param minmax_amount Minimal/maximum amount to get as output/input
    @param _for Address to send coins to
    @param use_in_amount Whether input or output amount is specified
    @return Amount of coins given in and out
    assert (i == 0 and j == 1) or (i == 1 and j == 0), "Wrong index"
    p_o: uint256[2] = self._price_oracle_w()  # Let's update the oracle even if we exchange 0
    if amount == 0:
        return [0, 0]

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback
    collateral_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []

    in_coin: ERC20 = BORROWED_TOKEN
    out_coin: ERC20 = COLLATERAL_TOKEN
    in_precision: uint256 = BORROWED_PRECISION
    out_precision: uint256 = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    if i == 1:
        in_precision = out_precision
        in_coin = out_coin
        out_precision = BORROWED_PRECISION
        out_coin = BORROWED_TOKEN

    out: DetailedTrade = empty(DetailedTrade)
    if use_in_amount:
        out = self.calc_swap_out(i == 0, amount * in_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
        amount_to_swap: uint256 = max_value(uint256)
        if amount < amount_to_swap:
            amount_to_swap = amount * out_precision
        out = self.calc_swap_in(i == 0, amount_to_swap, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
    in_amount_done: uint256 = unsafe_div(out.in_amount, in_precision)
    out_amount_done: uint256 = unsafe_div(out.out_amount, out_precision)
    if use_in_amount:
        assert out_amount_done >= minmax_amount, "Slippage"
        assert in_amount_done <= minmax_amount and (out_amount_done == amount or amount == max_value(uint256)), "Slippage"
    if out_amount_done == 0 or in_amount_done == 0:
        return [0, 0]

    out.admin_fee = unsafe_div(out.admin_fee, in_precision)
    if i == 0:
        self.admin_fees_x += out.admin_fee
        self.admin_fees_y += out.admin_fee

    n: int256 = min(out.n1, out.n2)
    n_start: int256 = n
    n_diff: int256 = abs(unsafe_sub(out.n2, out.n1))

    for k in range(MAX_TICKS):
        x: uint256 = 0
        y: uint256 = 0
        if i == 0:
            x = out.ticks_in[k]
            if n == out.n2:
                y = out.last_tick_j
            y = out.ticks_in[unsafe_sub(n_diff, k)]
            if n == out.n2:
                x = out.last_tick_j
        self.bands_x[n] = x
        self.bands_y[n] = y
        if lm.address != empty(address):
            s: uint256 = 0
            if y > 0:
                s = unsafe_div(y * 10**18, self.total_shares[n])
        if k == n_diff:
        n = unsafe_add(n, 1)

    self.active_band = out.n2

    log TokenExchange(_for, i, in_amount_done, j, out_amount_done)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(n_start, collateral_shares)

    assert in_coin.transferFrom(msg.sender, self, in_amount_done, default_return_value=True)
    assert out_coin.transfer(_for, out_amount_done, default_return_value=True)

    return [in_amount_done, out_amount_done]
>>> tbtc.balanceOf(trader)
>>> crvusd.balanceOf(trader)
>>>, 0, 10**18, 0, trader)
>>> tbtc.balanceOf(trader)
>>> crvusd.balanceOf(trader)


AMM.exchange_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, out_amount: uint256, max_amount: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256[2]:

Function to exchange two tokens to obtain the desired amount of output token using the minimum amount of input token.

Returns: amount of coins given in and out (uint256).

Emits: TokenExchange

Input Type Description
i uint256 Input coin index
j uint256 Output coin index
in_amount uint256 Amount of input coin to swap
min_amount uint256 Minimum amount of output coin to get
_for address Address to send coins to (defaulted to msg.sender)
Source code
event TokenExchange:
    buyer: indexed(address)
    sold_id: uint256
    tokens_sold: uint256
    bought_id: uint256
    tokens_bought: uint256

def exchange_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, out_amount: uint256, max_amount: uint256, _for: address = msg.sender) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Exchanges two coins, callable by anyone
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param out_amount Desired amount of output coin to receive
    @param max_amount Maximum amount to spend (revert if more)
    @param _for Address to send coins to
    @return Amount of coins given in/out
    return self._exchange(i, j, out_amount, max_amount, _for, False)

def _exchange(i: uint256, j: uint256, amount: uint256, minmax_amount: uint256, _for: address, use_in_amount: bool) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Exchanges two coins, callable by anyone
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param amount Amount of input/output coin to swap
    @param minmax_amount Minimal/maximum amount to get as output/input
    @param _for Address to send coins to
    @param use_in_amount Whether input or output amount is specified
    @return Amount of coins given in and out
    assert (i == 0 and j == 1) or (i == 1 and j == 0), "Wrong index"
    p_o: uint256[2] = self._price_oracle_w()  # Let's update the oracle even if we exchange 0
    if amount == 0:
        return [0, 0]

    lm: LMGauge = self.liquidity_mining_callback
    collateral_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []

    in_coin: ERC20 = BORROWED_TOKEN
    out_coin: ERC20 = COLLATERAL_TOKEN
    in_precision: uint256 = BORROWED_PRECISION
    out_precision: uint256 = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    if i == 1:
        in_precision = out_precision
        in_coin = out_coin
        out_precision = BORROWED_PRECISION
        out_coin = BORROWED_TOKEN

    out: DetailedTrade = empty(DetailedTrade)
    if use_in_amount:
        out = self.calc_swap_out(i == 0, amount * in_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
        amount_to_swap: uint256 = max_value(uint256)
        if amount < amount_to_swap:
            amount_to_swap = amount * out_precision
        out = self.calc_swap_in(i == 0, amount_to_swap, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
    in_amount_done: uint256 = unsafe_div(out.in_amount, in_precision)
    out_amount_done: uint256 = unsafe_div(out.out_amount, out_precision)
    if use_in_amount:
        assert out_amount_done >= minmax_amount, "Slippage"
        assert in_amount_done <= minmax_amount and (out_amount_done == amount or amount == max_value(uint256)), "Slippage"
    if out_amount_done == 0 or in_amount_done == 0:
        return [0, 0]

    out.admin_fee = unsafe_div(out.admin_fee, in_precision)
    if i == 0:
        self.admin_fees_x += out.admin_fee
        self.admin_fees_y += out.admin_fee

    n: int256 = min(out.n1, out.n2)
    n_start: int256 = n
    n_diff: int256 = abs(unsafe_sub(out.n2, out.n1))

    for k in range(MAX_TICKS):
        x: uint256 = 0
        y: uint256 = 0
        if i == 0:
            x = out.ticks_in[k]
            if n == out.n2:
                y = out.last_tick_j
            y = out.ticks_in[unsafe_sub(n_diff, k)]
            if n == out.n2:
                x = out.last_tick_j
        self.bands_x[n] = x
        self.bands_y[n] = y
        if lm.address != empty(address):
            s: uint256 = 0
            if y > 0:
                s = unsafe_div(y * 10**18, self.total_shares[n])
        if k == n_diff:
        n = unsafe_add(n, 1)

    self.active_band = out.n2

    log TokenExchange(_for, i, in_amount_done, j, out_amount_done)

    if lm.address != empty(address):
        lm.callback_collateral_shares(n_start, collateral_shares)

    assert in_coin.transferFrom(msg.sender, self, in_amount_done, default_return_value=True)
    assert out_coin.transfer(_for, out_amount_done, default_return_value=True)

    return [in_amount_done, out_amount_done]
>>> AMM.exchange_dy(1, 0, 41483257798652907646746, 0. trader)


AMM.get_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, in_amount: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the out_amount when swapping tokens through the AMM.

Returns: out amount (uint256).

Input Type Description
i uint256 Input coin index
j uint256 Output coin index
in_amount uint256 Amount of input coin to swap
Source code
struct DetailedTrade:
    in_amount: uint256
    out_amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    ticks_in: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT]
    last_tick_j: uint256
    admin_fee: uint256

def get_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, in_amount: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Method to use to calculate out amount
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param in_amount Amount of input coin to swap
    @return Amount of coin j to give out
    return self._get_dxdy(i, j, in_amount, True).out_amount

def _get_dxdy(i: uint256, j: uint256, amount: uint256, is_in: bool) -> DetailedTrade:
    @notice Method to use to calculate out amount and spent in amount
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param amount Amount of input or output coin to swap
    @param is_in Whether IN our OUT amount is known
    @return DetailedTrade with all swap results
    # i = 0: borrowable (USD) in, collateral (ETH) out; going up
    # i = 1: collateral (ETH) in, borrowable (USD) out; going down
    assert (i == 0 and j == 1) or (i == 1 and j == 0), "Wrong index"
    out: DetailedTrade = empty(DetailedTrade)
    if amount == 0:
        return out
    in_precision: uint256 = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    out_precision: uint256 = BORROWED_PRECISION
    if i == 0:
        in_precision = BORROWED_PRECISION
        out_precision = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    p_o: uint256[2] = self._price_oracle_ro()
    if is_in:
        out = self.calc_swap_out(i == 0, amount * in_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
        out = self.calc_swap_in(i == 0, amount * out_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
    out.in_amount = unsafe_div(out.in_amount, in_precision)
    out.out_amount = unsafe_div(out.out_amount, out_precision)
    return out
>>> AMM.get_dy(1, 0, 10**18)  -> swapping 1 tbtc (`i`) for crvusd (`j`).


AMM.get_dxdy(i: uint256, j: uint256, in_amount: uint256) -> (uint256, uint256):

Function to calculate out_amount and in_amount of the DetailedTrade.

Returns: in and out amount (uint256).

Input Type Description
i uint256 Input coin index
j uint256 Output coin index
in_amount uint256 Amount of input coin to swap
Source code
struct DetailedTrade:
    in_amount: uint256
    out_amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    ticks_in: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT]
    last_tick_j: uint256
    admin_fee: uint256

def get_dxdy(i: uint256, j: uint256, in_amount: uint256) -> (uint256, uint256):
    @notice Method to use to calculate out amount and spent in amount
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param in_amount Amount of input coin to swap
    @return A tuple with in_amount used and out_amount returned
    out: DetailedTrade = self._get_dxdy(i, j, in_amount, True)
    return (out.in_amount, out.out_amount)

def _get_dxdy(i: uint256, j: uint256, amount: uint256, is_in: bool) -> DetailedTrade:
    @notice Method to use to calculate out amount and spent in amount
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param amount Amount of input or output coin to swap
    @param is_in Whether IN our OUT amount is known
    @return DetailedTrade with all swap results
    # i = 0: borrowable (USD) in, collateral (ETH) out; going up
    # i = 1: collateral (ETH) in, borrowable (USD) out; going down
    assert (i == 0 and j == 1) or (i == 1 and j == 0), "Wrong index"
    out: DetailedTrade = empty(DetailedTrade)
    if amount == 0:
        return out
    in_precision: uint256 = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    out_precision: uint256 = BORROWED_PRECISION
    if i == 0:
        in_precision = BORROWED_PRECISION
        out_precision = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    p_o: uint256[2] = self._price_oracle_ro()
    if is_in:
        out = self.calc_swap_out(i == 0, amount * in_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
        out = self.calc_swap_in(i == 0, amount * out_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
    out.in_amount = unsafe_div(out.in_amount, in_precision)
    out.out_amount = unsafe_div(out.out_amount, out_precision)
    return out

Selling 2000 crvUSD for sfrxETH:

>>> AMM.get_dxdy(1, 0, 10**18)
(1000000000000000000, 41443710620713878872934)


AMM.get_dx(i: uint256, j: uint256, out_amount: uint256) -> uint256:

Function to calculate the in_amount required to receive the desired out_amount.

Returns: out amount (uint256).

Input Type Description
i uint256 Input coin index
j uint256 Output coin index
out_amount uint256 Desired amount of output coin to receive
Source code
struct DetailedTrade:
    in_amount: uint256
    out_amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    ticks_in: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT]
    last_tick_j: uint256
    admin_fee: uint256

def get_dx(i: uint256, j: uint256, out_amount: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Method to use to calculate in amount required to receive the desired out_amount
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param out_amount Desired amount of output coin to receive
    @return Amount of coin i to spend
    # i = 0: borrowable (USD) in, collateral (ETH) out; going up
    # i = 1: collateral (ETH) in, borrowable (USD) out; going down
    trade: DetailedTrade = self._get_dxdy(i, j, out_amount, False)
    assert trade.out_amount == out_amount
    return trade.in_amount

def _get_dxdy(i: uint256, j: uint256, amount: uint256, is_in: bool) -> DetailedTrade:
    @notice Method to use to calculate out amount and spent in amount
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param amount Amount of input or output coin to swap
    @param is_in Whether IN our OUT amount is known
    @return DetailedTrade with all swap results
    # i = 0: borrowable (USD) in, collateral (ETH) out; going up
    # i = 1: collateral (ETH) in, borrowable (USD) out; going down
    assert (i == 0 and j == 1) or (i == 1 and j == 0), "Wrong index"
    out: DetailedTrade = empty(DetailedTrade)
    if amount == 0:
        return out
    in_precision: uint256 = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    out_precision: uint256 = BORROWED_PRECISION
    if i == 0:
        in_precision = BORROWED_PRECISION
        out_precision = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    p_o: uint256[2] = self._price_oracle_ro()
    if is_in:
        out = self.calc_swap_out(i == 0, amount * in_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
        out = self.calc_swap_in(i == 0, amount * out_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
    out.in_amount = unsafe_div(out.in_amount, in_precision)
    out.out_amount = unsafe_div(out.out_amount, out_precision)
    return out
# how much crvUSD does a user need to swap in to receive 1 tbtc at the currents pool state?
>>> AMM.get_dx(0, 1, 10**18)


AMM.get_dydx(i: uint256, j: uint256, out_amount: uint256) -> (uint256, uint256):

Function to calculate the in_amount required and out_amount received.

Returns: out and in amount (uint256).

Input Type Description
i uint256 Input coin index
j uint256 Output coin index
out_amount uint256 Desired amount of output coin to receive
Source code
struct DetailedTrade:
    in_amount: uint256
    out_amount: uint256
    n1: int256
    n2: int256
    ticks_in: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT]
    last_tick_j: uint256
    admin_fee: uint256

def get_dydx(i: uint256, j: uint256, out_amount: uint256) -> (uint256, uint256):
    @notice Method to use to calculate in amount required and out amount received
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param out_amount Desired amount of output coin to receive
    @return A tuple with out_amount received and in_amount returned
    # i = 0: borrowable (USD) in, collateral (ETH) out; going up
    # i = 1: collateral (ETH) in, borrowable (USD) out; going down
    out: DetailedTrade = self._get_dxdy(i, j, out_amount, False)
    return (out.out_amount, out.in_amount)

def _get_dxdy(i: uint256, j: uint256, amount: uint256, is_in: bool) -> DetailedTrade:
    @notice Method to use to calculate out amount and spent in amount
    @param i Input coin index
    @param j Output coin index
    @param amount Amount of input or output coin to swap
    @param is_in Whether IN our OUT amount is known
    @return DetailedTrade with all swap results
    # i = 0: borrowable (USD) in, collateral (ETH) out; going up
    # i = 1: collateral (ETH) in, borrowable (USD) out; going down
    assert (i == 0 and j == 1) or (i == 1 and j == 0), "Wrong index"
    out: DetailedTrade = empty(DetailedTrade)
    if amount == 0:
        return out
    in_precision: uint256 = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    out_precision: uint256 = BORROWED_PRECISION
    if i == 0:
        in_precision = BORROWED_PRECISION
        out_precision = COLLATERAL_PRECISION
    p_o: uint256[2] = self._price_oracle_ro()
    if is_in:
        out = self.calc_swap_out(i == 0, amount * in_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
        out = self.calc_swap_in(i == 0, amount * out_precision, p_o, in_precision, out_precision)
    out.in_amount = unsafe_div(out.in_amount, in_precision)
    out.out_amount = unsafe_div(out.out_amount, out_precision)
    return out    
>>> AMM.get_dydx(0, 1, 10**18)
(1000000000000000000, 43345361787695375761802)


AMM.get_amount_for_price(p: uint256) -> (uint256, bool):

Function to calculate the necessary amount to be exchanged to have the AMM at the final price p.

Returns: necessary amount to exchange (uint256) and true or false (bool).

Input Type Description
p uint256 Price of the AMM
Source code
def get_amount_for_price(p: uint256) -> (uint256, bool):
    @notice Amount necessary to be exchanged to have the AMM at the final price `p`
    @return (amount, is_pump)
    min_band: int256 = self.min_band
    max_band: int256 = self.max_band
    n: int256 = self.active_band
    p_o: uint256[2] = self._price_oracle_ro()
    p_o_up: uint256 = self._p_oracle_up(n)
    p_down: uint256 = unsafe_div(unsafe_div(p_o[0]**2, p_o_up) * p_o[0], p_o_up)  # p_current_down
    p_up: uint256 = unsafe_div(p_down * A2, Aminus12)  # p_crurrent_up
    amount: uint256 = 0
    y0: uint256 = 0
    f: uint256 = 0
    g: uint256 = 0
    Inv: uint256 = 0
    j: uint256 = MAX_TICKS_UINT
    pump: bool = True

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS + MAX_SKIP_TICKS):
        assert p_o_up > 0
        x: uint256 = self.bands_x[n]
        y: uint256 = self.bands_y[n]
        if i == 0:
            if p < self._get_p(n, x, y):
                pump = False
        not_empty: bool = x > 0 or y > 0
        if not_empty:
            y0 = self._get_y0(x, y, p_o[0], p_o_up)
            f = unsafe_div(unsafe_div(A * y0 * p_o[0], p_o_up) * p_o[0], 10**18)
            g = unsafe_div(Aminus1 * y0 * p_o_up, p_o[0])
            Inv = (f + x) * (g + y)
            if j == MAX_TICKS_UINT:
                j = 0

        if p <= p_up:
            if p >= p_down:
                if not_empty:
                    ynew: uint256 = unsafe_sub(max(self.sqrt_int(Inv * 10**18 / p), g), g)
                    xnew: uint256 = unsafe_sub(max(Inv / (g + ynew), f), f)
                    if pump:
                        amount += unsafe_sub(max(xnew, x), x)
                        amount += unsafe_sub(max(ynew, y), y)

        # Need this to break if price is too far
        p_ratio: uint256 = unsafe_div(p_o_up * 10**18, p_o[0])

        if pump:
            if not_empty:
                amount += (Inv / g - f) - x
            if n == max_band:
            if j == MAX_TICKS_UINT - 1:
            if p_ratio < unsafe_div(10**36, MAX_ORACLE_DN_POW):
                # Don't allow to be away by more than ~50 ticks
            n += 1
            p_down = p_up
            p_up = unsafe_div(p_up * A2, Aminus12)
            p_o_up = unsafe_div(p_o_up * Aminus1, A)

            if not_empty:
                amount += (Inv / f - g) - y
            if n == min_band:
            if j == MAX_TICKS_UINT - 1:
            if p_ratio > MAX_ORACLE_DN_POW:
                # Don't allow to be away by more than ~50 ticks
            n -= 1
            p_up = p_down
            p_down = unsafe_div(p_down * Aminus12, A2)
            p_o_up = unsafe_div(p_o_up * A, Aminus1)

        if j != MAX_TICKS_UINT:
            j = unsafe_add(j, 1)

    amount = amount * 10**18 / unsafe_sub(10**18, max(self.fee, p_o[1]))
    if amount == 0:
        return 0, pump

    # Precision and round up
    if pump:
        amount = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_sub(amount, 1), BORROWED_PRECISION), 1)
        amount = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_sub(amount, 1), COLLATERAL_PRECISION), 1)

    return amount, pump
>>> Controller.amm_price(42360604244534725358731)
>>> AMM.get_amount_for_price(42360604244534725358731)
(0, True)                               # value is 0, because we already are at the current amm price
>>> AMM.get_amount_for_price(43500000000000000000000)
(33883533434143618564545, True)         # need to sell crvusd for tbtc to get the price up
>>> AMM.get_amount_for_price(41500000000000000000000)
(648390479703549124, False)             # need to sell tbtc for crvusd to get the price down


bool = true -> need to exchange crvUSD for collateral (to get the price of the collateral UP)
bool = false -> need to exchange collateral for crvUSD (to get the price of the collateral DOWN)

Contract Info Methods


AMM.coins(i: uint256) -> address: pure

Getter for the coins in the AMM, with i = 0 as borrowed token and i = 1 as collateral token.

Returns: coin at index i.

Input Type Description
i uint256 Index
Source code
BORROWED_TOKEN: immutable(ERC20)    # x
COLLATERAL_TOKEN: immutable(ERC20)  # y

def coins(i: uint256) -> address:
    return [BORROWED_TOKEN.address, COLLATERAL_TOKEN.address][i]
>>> AMM.coins(0)
>>> AMM.coins(1)


AMM.price_oracle() -> uint256: view

Getter for oracle price.

Returns: oracle price (uint256).

Source code
def price_oracle() -> uint256:
    @notice Value returned by the external price oracle contract
    return self._price_oracle_ro()[0]

def _price_oracle_ro() -> uint256[2]:
    return self.limit_p_o(price_oracle_contract.price())

def limit_p_o(p: uint256) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Limits oracle price to avoid losses at abrupt changes, as well as calculates a dynamic fee.
        If we consider oracle_change such as:
            ratio = p_new / p_old
        (let's take for simplicity p_new < p_old, otherwise we compute p_old / p_new)
        Then if the minimal AMM fee will be:
            fee = (1 - ratio**3),
        AMM will not have a loss associated with the price change.
        However, over time fee should still go down (over PREV_P_O_DELAY), and also ratio should be limited
        because we don't want the fee to become too large (say, 50%) which is achieved by limiting the instantaneous
        change in oracle price.

    @return (limited_price_oracle, dynamic_fee)
    p_new: uint256 = p
    dt: uint256 = unsafe_sub(PREV_P_O_DELAY, min(PREV_P_O_DELAY, block.timestamp - self.prev_p_o_time))
    ratio: uint256 = 0

    # ratio = 1 - (p_o_min / p_o_max)**3

    if dt > 0:
        old_p_o: uint256 = self.old_p_o
        old_ratio: uint256 = self.old_dfee
        # ratio = p_o_min / p_o_max
        if p > old_p_o:
            ratio = unsafe_div(old_p_o * 10**18, p)
            if ratio < 10**36 / MAX_P_O_CHG:
                p_new = unsafe_div(old_p_o * MAX_P_O_CHG, 10**18)
                ratio = 10**36 / MAX_P_O_CHG
            ratio = unsafe_div(p * 10**18, old_p_o)
            if ratio < 10**36 / MAX_P_O_CHG:
                p_new = unsafe_div(old_p_o * 10**18, MAX_P_O_CHG)
                ratio = 10**36 / MAX_P_O_CHG

        # ratio is lower than 1e18
        # Also guaranteed to be limited, therefore can have all ops unsafe
        ratio = min(
                    unsafe_sub(unsafe_add(10**18, old_ratio), unsafe_div(pow_mod256(ratio, 3), 10**36)),  # (f' + (1 - r**3))
                    dt),                                                                                  # * dt / T
        10**18 - 1)

    return [p_new, ratio]
>>> AMM.price_oracle()


AMM.has_liquidity(user_: address) -> bool:

Function to check if user has any liquidity in the AMM. Checks if user_shares[user] is not equal to zero.

Returns: true or flase (bool).

Input Type Description
user address User Address
Source code
user_shares: HashMap[address, UserTicks]

def has_liquidity(user: address) -> bool:
    @notice Check if `user` has any liquidity in the AMM
    return self.user_shares[user].ticks[0] != 0
>>> AMM.has_liquidity(trader)

Admin Ownership


AMM.admin() -> address: view

Getter for the admin of the contract, which is the corresponding Controller.

Returns: admin (address).

Source code
admin: public(address)
>>> AMM.admin()


AMM.set_admin(_admin: address):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable when admin is set to ZERO_ADDRESS. This condition was met at deployment, but after setting the admin for the first time, it cannot be changed. Admin for the AMM is always the corresponding Controller.

Function to set the admin of AMM. Approval needs to be given to the controller in order for it to effectively call functions such as deposit_range and withdraw. The implementation of approve_max as a separate function was chosen because it consumes less bytespace compared to calling it directly.

Input Type Description
_admin address admin address
Source code
def set_admin(_admin: address):
    @notice Set admin of the AMM. Typically it's a controller (unless it's tests)
    @param _admin Admin address
    assert self.admin == empty(address)
    self.admin = _admin
    self.approve_max(BORROWED_TOKEN, _admin)
    self.approve_max(COLLATERAL_TOKEN, _admin)

def approve_max(token: ERC20, _admin: address):
    Approve max in a separate function because it uses less bytespace than
    calling directly, and gas doesn't matter in set_admin
    assert token.approve(_admin, max_value(uint256), default_return_value=True)
>>> AMM.set_admin(vitalik.eth)


Just like all Curve pools, there are three different kinds of fees:

  • Regular swap fees are charged when tokens within the AMM are exchanged.
  • Admin fees determine the percentage of the "total fees" that are ultimately distributed to veCRV holders.
  • Interest rate which is charged on the minted crvUSD tokens.

Currently, the admin fees of the AMMs are set to 1 (1 / 1e18), making them virtually nonexistent. The reason for this is to increase oracle manipulation resistance.

If there are accumulated admin fees, they cannot be claimed separately. Instead, they can only be claimed by also claiming the interest rate fees at the same time. This is accomplished by calling collect_fee() on the Controller.


AMM.fee() -> uint256: view

Getter for the fee of the AMM.

Returns: fee (uint256).

Source code
fee: public(uint256)

def __init__(
        _borrowed_token: address,
        _borrowed_precision: uint256,
        _collateral_token: address,
        _collateral_precision: uint256,
        _A: uint256,
        _sqrt_band_ratio: uint256,
        _log_A_ratio: int256,
        _base_price: uint256,
        fee: uint256,
        admin_fee: uint256,
        _price_oracle_contract: address,
    @notice LLAMMA constructor
    @param _borrowed_token Token which is being borrowed
    @param _collateral_token Token used as collateral
    @param _collateral_precision Precision of collateral: we pass it because we want the blueprint to fit into bytecode
    @param _A "Amplification coefficient" which also defines density of liquidity and band size. Relative band size is 1/_A
    @param _sqrt_band_ratio Precomputed int(sqrt(A / (A - 1)) * 1e18)
    @param _log_A_ratio Precomputed int(ln(A / (A - 1)) * 1e18)
    @param _base_price Typically the initial crypto price at which AMM is deployed. Will correspond to band 0
    @param fee Relative fee of the AMM: int(fee * 1e18)
    @param admin_fee Admin fee: how much of fee goes to admin. 50% === int(0.5 * 1e18)
    @param _price_oracle_contract External price oracle which has price() and price_w() methods
        which both return current price of collateral multiplied by 1e18


    self.fee = fee

>>> AMM.fee()


AMM.set_fee(fee: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the Controller.

Function to set the AMM fee.

Emits: SetFee

Input Type Description
fee uint256 Fee (1e18 == 100%)
Source code
event SetFee:
    fee: uint256

fee: public(uint256)

def set_fee(fee: uint256):
    @notice Set AMM fee
    @param fee Fee where 1e18 == 100%
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.fee = fee
    log SetFee(fee)
>>> AMM.set_fee(7000000000000000)


AMM.admin_fee() -> uint256: view

Getter for the admin fee of the AMM.

Returns: admin fee (uint256).

Source code
admin_fee: public(uint256)

def __init__(
        _borrowed_token: address,
        _borrowed_precision: uint256,
        _collateral_token: address,
        _collateral_precision: uint256,
        _A: uint256,
        _sqrt_band_ratio: uint256,
        _log_A_ratio: int256,
        _base_price: uint256,
        fee: uint256,
        admin_fee: uint256,
        _price_oracle_contract: address,
    @notice LLAMMA constructor
    @param _borrowed_token Token which is being borrowed
    @param _collateral_token Token used as collateral
    @param _collateral_precision Precision of collateral: we pass it because we want the blueprint to fit into bytecode
    @param _A "Amplification coefficient" which also defines density of liquidity and band size. Relative band size is 1/_A
    @param _sqrt_band_ratio Precomputed int(sqrt(A / (A - 1)) * 1e18)
    @param _log_A_ratio Precomputed int(ln(A / (A - 1)) * 1e18)
    @param _base_price Typically the initial crypto price at which AMM is deployed. Will correspond to band 0
    @param fee Relative fee of the AMM: int(fee * 1e18)
    @param admin_fee Admin fee: how much of fee goes to admin. 50% === int(0.5 * 1e18)
    @param _price_oracle_contract External price oracle which has price() and price_w() methods
        which both return current price of collateral multiplied by 1e18


    self.admin_fee = admin_fee

>>> AMM.admin_fee()


AMM.admin_fees_x() -> uint256: view

Getter for the accured admin fees of the borrowed token (crvUSD).

Returns: admin fee of borrowed token (uint256).

Source code
admin_fees_x: public(uint256)
>>> AMM.admin_fees_x()


AMM.admin_fees_y() -> uint256: view

Getter for the accured admin fees of the collateral token.

Returns: admin fee of collateral token (uint256).

Source code
admin_fees_y: public(uint256)
>>> AMM.admin_fees_y()


AMM.set_admin_fee(fee: uint256):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the Controller.

Function to set the admin fee of the AMM.

Emits: SetAdminFee

Input Type Description
fee uint256 Admin Fee (1e18 == 100%)
Source code
event SetAdminFee:
    fee: uint256

admin_fee: public(uint256)

def set_admin_fee(fee: uint256):
    @notice Set admin fee - fraction of the AMM fee to go to admin
    @param fee Admin fee where 1e18 == 100%
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.admin_fee = fee
    log SetAdminFee(fee)
>>> AMM.set_admin_fee(2)



Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the Controller.

Function to reset the accumulated admin fees (admin_fees_x and admin_fees_y) to zero. This function is automatically called when collect_fees() via the Controller is called.

Source code
def reset_admin_fees():
    @notice Zero out AMM fees collected
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.admin_fees_x = 0
    self.admin_fees_y = 0
>>> AMM.admin_fees_x()
>>> AMM.admin_fees_y()
>>> Controller.collect_fees()   # this function calls `reset_admin_fees`
>>> AMM.admin_fees_x()
>>> AMM.admin_fees_y()



AMM.A() -> uint256: view

Getter for A (amplicitation coefficient). The amplication defines the density of the liquidty and band size.

Returns: amplification coefficient (uint256).

Source code
A: public(immutable(uint256))

def __init__(
        _borrowed_token: address,
        _borrowed_precision: uint256,
        _collateral_token: address,
        _collateral_precision: uint256,
        _A: uint256,
        _sqrt_band_ratio: uint256,
        _log_A_ratio: int256,
        _base_price: uint256,
        fee: uint256,
        admin_fee: uint256,
        _price_oracle_contract: address,
    @notice LLAMMA constructor
    @param _borrowed_token Token which is being borrowed
    @param _collateral_token Token used as collateral
    @param _collateral_precision Precision of collateral: we pass it because we want the blueprint to fit into bytecode
    @param _A "Amplification coefficient" which also defines density of liquidity and band size. Relative band size is 1/_A
    @param _sqrt_band_ratio Precomputed int(sqrt(A / (A - 1)) * 1e18)
    @param _log_A_ratio Precomputed int(ln(A / (A - 1)) * 1e18)
    @param _base_price Typically the initial crypto price at which AMM is deployed. Will correspond to band 0
    @param fee Relative fee of the AMM: int(fee * 1e18)
    @param admin_fee Admin fee: how much of fee goes to admin. 50% === int(0.5 * 1e18)
    @param _price_oracle_contract External price oracle which has price() and price_w() methods
        which both return current price of collateral multiplied by 1e18


    A = _A

>>> AMM.A()


AMM.rate() -> uint256: view

Getter for the interest rate. More information here.

Returns: interest rate (uint256).

Source code
rate: public(uint256)
>>> AMM.rate()


Annualized interest rate is calculated by (1 + (rate/1e18))^(365*24*60*60)-1.


AMM.get_rate_mul() -> uint256: view

Getter for the interest rate multiplier, which is calculated by the following:

\(\frac{\text{self.rate_mul} \times (10^{18} + \text{self.rate} \times (\text{block.timestamp} - \text{self.rate_time}))}{10^{18}}\)

Returns: interest rate multiplier (uint256).

Source code
rate: public(uint256)
rate_time: uint256
rate_mul: uint256

def get_rate_mul() -> uint256:
    @notice Rate multiplier which is 1.0 + integral(rate, dt)
    @return Rate multiplier in units where 1.0 == 1e18
    return self._rate_mul()

def _rate_mul() -> uint256:
    @notice Rate multiplier which is 1.0 + integral(rate, dt)
    @return Rate multiplier in units where 1.0 == 1e18
    return unsafe_div(self.rate_mul * (10**18 + self.rate * (block.timestamp - self.rate_time)), 10**18)
>>> AMM.get_rate_mul()


AMM.set_rate(rate: uint256) -> uint256:

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the Controller.

Function to set the interest rate for the AMM.

Returns: rate multiplier (uint256).

Input Type Description
rate uint256 New rate in units of int(fraction * 1e18) per second
Source code
event SetRate:
    rate: uint256
    rate_mul: uint256
    time: uint256

def set_rate(rate: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Set interest rate. That affects the dependence of AMM base price over time
    @param rate New rate in units of int(fraction * 1e18) per second
    @return rate_mul multiplier (e.g. 1.0 + integral(rate, dt))
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    rate_mul: uint256 = self._rate_mul()
    self.rate_mul = rate_mul
    self.rate_time = block.timestamp
    self.rate = rate
    log SetRate(rate, rate_mul, block.timestamp)
    return rate_mul
>>> AMM.set_rate(4386848644)



AMM.active_band() -> int256:

Getter for the current active band. Other bands are either in one or the other coin, but not in both. Upper bands are in crvUSD, lower bands in the collateral token.

Returns: active band (int256).

Source code
active_band: public(int256)
>>> AMM.active_band()


AMM.min_band() -> int256:

Getter for the minimum band. All bands below this one are definitely empty.

Returns: minimum band (int256).

Source code
min_band: public(int256)
>>> AMM.min_band()


AMM.max_band() -> int256:

Getter for the maximum band. All bands above this one are definitely empty.

Returns: maximum band (int256).

Source code
max_band: public(int256)
>>> AMM.max_band()


AMM.bands_x(arg0: uint256) -> uint256:

Getter for the amount of crvUSD deposited in band arg0 (uint256). X represents the token that is being borrowed.

Returns: amount (uint256) of coin x deposited in a band.

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Number of the band
Source code
bands_x: public(HashMap[int256, uint256])
>>> AMM.bands_x(-47)
>>> AMM.bands_x(-48)
>>> AMM.bands_x(-49)


active_band is currently set to -48. Band -48 consists of crvUSD and collateral token, with all bands below fully in crvUSD, and all bands above fully in the collateral tokens.


AMM.bands_y(arg0: uint256) -> uint256:

Getter for the amount of collateral token deposited in band arg0 (uint256). Y represents the token that is put up as collateral.

Returns: amount (uint256) of coin y deposited in a band.

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 Band
Source code
bands_y: public(HashMap[int256, uint256])
>>> AMM.bands_x(-47)
>>> AMM.bands_x(-48)
>>> AMM.bands_x(-49)


active_band is currently set to -48. Band -48 consists of crvUSD and collateral token, with all bands below fully in crvUSD, and all bands above fully in the collateral tokens.


AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(user: address) -> int256[2]:

Function to unpack and read the user's tick numbers (= lowest and highest band the user deposited into).

Returns: lowest and highest band (int256).

Input Type Description
user address User address
Source code
user_shares: HashMap[address, UserTicks]

def read_user_tick_numbers(user: address) -> int256[2]:
    @notice Unpacks and reads user tick numbers
    @param user User address
    @return Lowest and highest band the user deposited into
    return self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)

def _read_user_ticks(user: address, ns: int256[2]) -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT]:
    @notice Unpacks and reads user ticks (shares) for all the ticks user deposited into
    @param user User address
    @param size Number of ticks the user deposited into
    @return Array of shares the user has
    ticks: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    size: uint256 = convert(ns[1] - ns[0] + 1, uint256)
    for i in range(MAX_TICKS / 2):
        if len(ticks) == size:
        tick: uint256 = self.user_shares[user].ticks[i]
        ticks.append(tick & (2**128 - 1))
        if len(ticks) == size:
        ticks.append(shift(tick, -128))
    return ticks
>>> AMM.read_user_tick_numbers(trader)
[73, 102]


AMM.get_y_up(user: address) -> uint256:

Function to measure the amount of y (collateral) in band n for user if we adiabatically trade near p_oracle on the way up.

Returns: amount of collateral (uint256).

Input Type Description
user address User address
Source code
def get_y_up(user: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Measure the amount of y (collateral) in the band n if we adiabatically trade near p_oracle on the way up
    @param user User the amount is calculated for
    @return Amount of coins
    return self.get_xy_up(user, True)

def get_xy_up(user: address, use_y: bool) -> uint256:
    @notice Measure the amount of y (collateral) in the band n if we adiabatically trade near p_oracle on the way up,
            or the amount of x (stablecoin) if we trade adiabatically down
    @param user User the amount is calculated for
    @param use_y Calculate amount of collateral if True and of stablecoin if False
    @return Amount of coins
    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    ticks: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    if ticks[0] == 0:  # Even dynamic array will have 0th element set here
        return 0
    p_o: uint256 = self._price_oracle_ro()[0]
    assert p_o != 0

    n: int256 = ns[0] - 1
    n_active: int256 = self.active_band
    p_o_down: uint256 = self._p_oracle_up(ns[0])
    XY: uint256 = 0

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        n += 1
        if n > ns[1]:
        x: uint256 = 0
        y: uint256 = 0
        if n >= n_active:
            y = self.bands_y[n]
        if n <= n_active:
            x = self.bands_x[n]
        # p_o_up: uint256 = self._p_oracle_up(n)
        p_o_up: uint256 = p_o_down
        # p_o_down = self._p_oracle_up(n + 1)
        p_o_down = unsafe_div(p_o_down * Aminus1, A)
        if x == 0:
            if y == 0:

        total_share: uint256 = self.total_shares[n]
        user_share: uint256 = ticks[i]
        if total_share == 0:
        if user_share == 0:
        total_share += DEAD_SHARES
        # Also ideally we'd want to add +1 to all quantities when calculating with shares
        # but we choose to save bytespace and slightly under-estimate the result of this call
        # which is also more conservative

        # Also this will revert if p_o_down is 0, and p_o_down is 0 if p_o_up is 0
        p_current_mid: uint256 = unsafe_div(p_o**2 / p_o_down * p_o, p_o_up)

        # if p_o > p_o_up - we "trade" everything to y and then convert to the result
        # if p_o < p_o_down - "trade" to x, then convert to result
        # otherwise we are in-band, so we do the more complex logic to trade
        # to p_o rather than to the edge of the band
        # trade to the edge of the band == getting to the band edge while p_o=const

        # Cases when special conversion is not needed (to save on computations)
        if x == 0 or y == 0:
            if p_o > p_o_up:  # p_o < p_current_down
                # all to y at constant p_o, then to target currency adiabatically
                y_equiv: uint256 = y
                if y == 0:
                    y_equiv = x * 10**18 / p_current_mid
                if use_y:
                    XY += unsafe_div(y_equiv * user_share, total_share)
                    XY += unsafe_div(unsafe_div(y_equiv * p_o_up, SQRT_BAND_RATIO) * user_share, total_share)

            elif p_o < p_o_down:  # p_o > p_current_up
                # all to x at constant p_o, then to target currency adiabatically
                x_equiv: uint256 = x
                if x == 0:
                    x_equiv = unsafe_div(y * p_current_mid, 10**18)
                if use_y:
                    XY += unsafe_div(unsafe_div(x_equiv * SQRT_BAND_RATIO, p_o_up) * user_share, total_share)
                    XY += unsafe_div(x_equiv * user_share, total_share)

        # If we are here - we need to "trade" to somewhere mid-band
        # So we need more heavy math

        y0: uint256 = self._get_y0(x, y, p_o, p_o_up)
        f: uint256 = unsafe_div(unsafe_div(A * y0 * p_o, p_o_up) * p_o, 10**18)
        g: uint256 = unsafe_div(Aminus1 * y0 * p_o_up, p_o)
        # (f + x)(g + y) = const = p_top * A**2 * y0**2 = I
        Inv: uint256 = (f + x) * (g + y)
        # p = (f + x) / (g + y) => p * (g + y)**2 = I or (f + x)**2 / p = I

        # First, "trade" in this band to p_oracle
        x_o: uint256 = 0
        y_o: uint256 = 0

        if p_o > p_o_up:  # p_o < p_current_down, all to y
            # x_o = 0
            y_o = unsafe_sub(max(Inv / f, g), g)
            if use_y:
                XY += unsafe_div(y_o * user_share, total_share)
                XY += unsafe_div(unsafe_div(y_o * p_o_up, SQRT_BAND_RATIO) * user_share, total_share)

        elif p_o < p_o_down:  # p_o > p_current_up, all to x
            # y_o = 0
            x_o = unsafe_sub(max(Inv / g, f), f)
            if use_y:
                XY += unsafe_div(unsafe_div(x_o * SQRT_BAND_RATIO, p_o_up) * user_share, total_share)
                XY += unsafe_div(x_o * user_share, total_share)

            # Equivalent from Chainsecurity (which also has less numerical errors):
            y_o = unsafe_div(A * y0 * unsafe_sub(p_o, p_o_down), p_o)
            # x_o = unsafe_div(A * y0 * p_o, p_o_up) * unsafe_sub(p_o_up, p_o)
            # Old math
            # y_o = unsafe_sub(max(self.sqrt_int(unsafe_div(Inv * 10**18, p_o)), g), g)
            x_o = unsafe_sub(max(Inv / (g + y_o), f), f)

            # Now adiabatic conversion from definitely in-band
            if use_y:
                XY += unsafe_div((y_o + x_o * 10**18 / self.sqrt_int(p_o_up * p_o)) * user_share, total_share)

                XY += unsafe_div((x_o + unsafe_div(y_o * self.sqrt_int(p_o_down * p_o), 10**18)) * user_share, total_share)

    if use_y:
        return unsafe_div(XY, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
        return unsafe_div(XY, BORROWED_PRECISION)
>>> AMM.get_y_up(trader)


AMM.get_x_down(user: address) -> uint256:

Function to measure the amount of x (stablecoin) in band n for user if we adiabatically trade near p_oracle on the way down.

Returns: amount of coins (uint256).

Input Type Description
user address User address
Source code
def get_x_down(user: address) -> uint256:
    @notice Measure the amount of x (stablecoin) if we trade adiabatically down
    @param user User the amount is calculated for
    @return Amount of coins
    return self.get_xy_up(user, False)

def get_xy_up(user: address, use_y: bool) -> uint256:
    @notice Measure the amount of y (collateral) in the band n if we adiabatically trade near p_oracle on the way up,
            or the amount of x (stablecoin) if we trade adiabatically down
    @param user User the amount is calculated for
    @param use_y Calculate amount of collateral if True and of stablecoin if False
    @return Amount of coins
    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    ticks: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    if ticks[0] == 0:  # Even dynamic array will have 0th element set here
        return 0
    p_o: uint256 = self._price_oracle_ro()[0]
    assert p_o != 0

    n: int256 = ns[0] - 1
    n_active: int256 = self.active_band
    p_o_down: uint256 = self._p_oracle_up(ns[0])
    XY: uint256 = 0

    for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
        n += 1
        if n > ns[1]:
        x: uint256 = 0
        y: uint256 = 0
        if n >= n_active:
            y = self.bands_y[n]
        if n <= n_active:
            x = self.bands_x[n]
        # p_o_up: uint256 = self._p_oracle_up(n)
        p_o_up: uint256 = p_o_down
        # p_o_down = self._p_oracle_up(n + 1)
        p_o_down = unsafe_div(p_o_down * Aminus1, A)
        if x == 0:
            if y == 0:

        total_share: uint256 = self.total_shares[n]
        user_share: uint256 = ticks[i]
        if total_share == 0:
        if user_share == 0:
        total_share += DEAD_SHARES
        # Also ideally we'd want to add +1 to all quantities when calculating with shares
        # but we choose to save bytespace and slightly under-estimate the result of this call
        # which is also more conservative

        # Also this will revert if p_o_down is 0, and p_o_down is 0 if p_o_up is 0
        p_current_mid: uint256 = unsafe_div(p_o**2 / p_o_down * p_o, p_o_up)

        # if p_o > p_o_up - we "trade" everything to y and then convert to the result
        # if p_o < p_o_down - "trade" to x, then convert to result
        # otherwise we are in-band, so we do the more complex logic to trade
        # to p_o rather than to the edge of the band
        # trade to the edge of the band == getting to the band edge while p_o=const

        # Cases when special conversion is not needed (to save on computations)
        if x == 0 or y == 0:
            if p_o > p_o_up:  # p_o < p_current_down
                # all to y at constant p_o, then to target currency adiabatically
                y_equiv: uint256 = y
                if y == 0:
                    y_equiv = x * 10**18 / p_current_mid
                if use_y:
                    XY += unsafe_div(y_equiv * user_share, total_share)
                    XY += unsafe_div(unsafe_div(y_equiv * p_o_up, SQRT_BAND_RATIO) * user_share, total_share)

            elif p_o < p_o_down:  # p_o > p_current_up
                # all to x at constant p_o, then to target currency adiabatically
                x_equiv: uint256 = x
                if x == 0:
                    x_equiv = unsafe_div(y * p_current_mid, 10**18)
                if use_y:
                    XY += unsafe_div(unsafe_div(x_equiv * SQRT_BAND_RATIO, p_o_up) * user_share, total_share)
                    XY += unsafe_div(x_equiv * user_share, total_share)

        # If we are here - we need to "trade" to somewhere mid-band
        # So we need more heavy math

        y0: uint256 = self._get_y0(x, y, p_o, p_o_up)
        f: uint256 = unsafe_div(unsafe_div(A * y0 * p_o, p_o_up) * p_o, 10**18)
        g: uint256 = unsafe_div(Aminus1 * y0 * p_o_up, p_o)
        # (f + x)(g + y) = const = p_top * A**2 * y0**2 = I
        Inv: uint256 = (f + x) * (g + y)
        # p = (f + x) / (g + y) => p * (g + y)**2 = I or (f + x)**2 / p = I

        # First, "trade" in this band to p_oracle
        x_o: uint256 = 0
        y_o: uint256 = 0

        if p_o > p_o_up:  # p_o < p_current_down, all to y
            # x_o = 0
            y_o = unsafe_sub(max(Inv / f, g), g)
            if use_y:
                XY += unsafe_div(y_o * user_share, total_share)
                XY += unsafe_div(unsafe_div(y_o * p_o_up, SQRT_BAND_RATIO) * user_share, total_share)

        elif p_o < p_o_down:  # p_o > p_current_up, all to x
            # y_o = 0
            x_o = unsafe_sub(max(Inv / g, f), f)
            if use_y:
                XY += unsafe_div(unsafe_div(x_o * SQRT_BAND_RATIO, p_o_up) * user_share, total_share)
                XY += unsafe_div(x_o * user_share, total_share)

            # Equivalent from Chainsecurity (which also has less numerical errors):
            y_o = unsafe_div(A * y0 * unsafe_sub(p_o, p_o_down), p_o)
            # x_o = unsafe_div(A * y0 * p_o, p_o_up) * unsafe_sub(p_o_up, p_o)
            # Old math
            # y_o = unsafe_sub(max(self.sqrt_int(unsafe_div(Inv * 10**18, p_o)), g), g)
            x_o = unsafe_sub(max(Inv / (g + y_o), f), f)

            # Now adiabatic conversion from definitely in-band
            if use_y:
                XY += unsafe_div((y_o + x_o * 10**18 / self.sqrt_int(p_o_up * p_o)) * user_share, total_share)

                XY += unsafe_div((x_o + unsafe_div(y_o * self.sqrt_int(p_o_down * p_o), 10**18)) * user_share, total_share)

    if use_y:
        return unsafe_div(XY, COLLATERAL_PRECISION)
        return unsafe_div(XY, BORROWED_PRECISION)
>>> AMM.get_x_down(trader)


AMM.can_skip_bands(n_end: int256) -> bool:

Function to check if there is liquidity between active_band and n_end.

Returns: true or flase (boolean).

Input Type Description
n_end int256 Band
Source code
def can_skip_bands(n_end: int256) -> bool:
    @notice Check that we have no liquidity between active_band and `n_end`
    n: int256 = self.active_band
    for i in range(MAX_SKIP_TICKS):
        if n_end > n:
            if self.bands_y[n] != 0:
                return False
            n = unsafe_add(n, 1)
            if self.bands_x[n] != 0:
                return False
            n = unsafe_sub(n, 1)
        if n == n_end:  # not including n_end
    return True
    # Actually skipping bands:
    # * change self.active_band to the new n
    # * change self.p_base_mul
    # to do n2-n1 times (if n2 > n1):
    # out.base_mul = unsafe_div(out.base_mul * Aminus1, A)
>>> AMM.can_skip_bands(-50)


AMM.get_sum_xy(user: address) -> uint256[2]:

Function to measure the amount of stablecoin and collateral user currently owns inside the AMM.

Returns: balances of stablecoin token and collateral token (uint256) inside the AMM.

Input Type Description
n_end int256 Band
Source code
def get_sum_xy(user: address) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice A low-gas function to measure amounts of stablecoins and collateral which user currently owns
    @param user User address
    @return Amounts of (stablecoin, collateral) in a tuple
    xy: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT][2] = self._get_xy(user, True)
    return [xy[0][0], xy[1][0]]

def _get_xy(user: address, is_sum: bool) -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT][2]:
    @notice A low-gas function to measure amounts of stablecoins and collateral which user currently owns
    @param user User address
    @param is_sum Return sum or amounts by bands
    @return Amounts of (stablecoin, collateral) in a tuple
    xs: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    ys: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    if is_sum:
    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    ticks: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    if ticks[0] != 0:
        for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
            total_shares: uint256 = self.total_shares[ns[0]] + DEAD_SHARES
            ds: uint256 = ticks[i]
            dx: uint256 = unsafe_div((self.bands_x[ns[0]] + 1) * ds, total_shares)
            dy: uint256 = unsafe_div((self.bands_y[ns[0]] + 1) * ds, total_shares)
            if is_sum:
                xs[0] += dx
                ys[0] += dy
                xs.append(unsafe_div(dx, BORROWED_PRECISION))
                ys.append(unsafe_div(dy, COLLATERAL_PRECISION))
            if ns[0] == ns[1]:
            ns[0] = unsafe_add(ns[0], 1)

    if is_sum:
        xs[0] = unsafe_div(xs[0], BORROWED_PRECISION)
        ys[0] = unsafe_div(ys[0], COLLATERAL_PRECISION)

    return [xs, ys]
>>> AMM.get_sum_xy(trader)
[0, 1000000000000000000]    # collateral composition: [crvusd, collateral token]
# if a position is in self-liquidation, `get_sum_xy` will contain both crvusd and collateral token

Price Oracles


AMM.get_base_price() -> uint256:

Function to get the base price of the AMM which corresponds to band 0. The base price grows with time to account for the interest rate: BASE_PRICE (=the 'real' base price when the contract was deployed) is multiplied by _rate_mul to account for the interest rate.

Returns: base price (uint256) .

Input Type Description
user address User address
Source code
BASE_PRICE: immutable(uint256)
rate: public(uint256)
rate_time: uint256
rate_mul: uint256

def get_base_price() -> uint256:
    @notice Price which corresponds to band 0.
            Base price grows with time to account for interest rate (which is 0 by default)
    return self._base_price()

def _base_price() -> uint256:
    @notice Price which corresponds to band 0.
            Base price grows with time to account for interest rate (which is 0 by default)
    return unsafe_div(BASE_PRICE * self._rate_mul(), 10**18)

def _rate_mul() -> uint256:
    @notice Rate multiplier which is 1.0 + integral(rate, dt)
    @return Rate multiplier in units where 1.0 == 1e18
    return unsafe_div(self.rate_mul * (10**18 + self.rate * (block.timestamp - self.rate_time)), 10**18)
>>> AMM.get_base_price()


AMM.p_current_up(n: int256) -> uint256:

Getter for the highest possible price of the band at the current oracle price.

Returns: highest price (uint256) of band n.

Input Type Description
n int256 Band Number
Source code
def p_current_up(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Highest possible price of the band at current oracle price
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    return self._p_current_band(n + 1)

def _p_current_band(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Lowest possible price of the band at current oracle price
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    # k = (self.A - 1) / self.A  # equal to (p_down / p_up)
    # p_base = self.p_base * k ** n = p_oracle_up(n)
    p_base: uint256 = self._p_oracle_up(n)

    # return self.p_oracle**3 / p_base**2
    p_oracle: uint256 = self._price_oracle_ro()[0]
    return unsafe_div(p_oracle**2 / p_base * p_oracle, p_base)
>>> AMM.p_current_up(-47)
>>> AMM.p_current_up(-48)
>>> AMM.p_current_up(-49)


AMM.p_current_down(n: int256) -> uint256:

Getter for the lowest possible price of the band at the current oracle price.

Returns: lowest price (uint256) of band n.

Input Type Description
n int256 Band Number
Source code
def p_current_down(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Lowest possible price of the band at current oracle price
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    return self._p_current_band(n)

def _p_current_band(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Lowest possible price of the band at current oracle price
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    # k = (self.A - 1) / self.A  # equal to (p_down / p_up)
    # p_base = self.p_base * k ** n = p_oracle_up(n)
    p_base: uint256 = self._p_oracle_up(n)

    # return self.p_oracle**3 / p_base**2
    p_oracle: uint256 = self._price_oracle_ro()[0]
    return unsafe_div(p_oracle**2 / p_base * p_oracle, p_base)
>>> AMM.p_current_down(-47)
>>> AMM.p_current_down(-48)
>>> AMM.p_current_down(-49)


AMM.p_oracle_up(n: int256) -> uint256:

Getter for the highest oracle price of the collateral in band n when p = p_oracle.

Returns: highest oracle price (uint256) in band n.

Input Type Description
n int256 Band
Source code
def p_oracle_up(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Highest oracle price for the band to have liquidity when p = p_oracle
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    return self._p_oracle_up(n)

def _p_oracle_up(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Upper oracle price for the band to have liquidity when p = p_oracle
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    # p_oracle_up(n) = p_base * ((A - 1) / A) ** n
    # p_oracle_down(n) = p_base * ((A - 1) / A) ** (n + 1) = p_oracle_up(n+1)
    # return unsafe_div(self._base_price() * self.exp_int(-n * LOG_A_RATIO), 10**18)

    power: int256 = -n * LOG_A_RATIO

    # ((A - 1) / A) ** n = exp(-n * ln(A / (A - 1))) = exp(-n * LOG_A_RATIO)
    ## Exp implementation based on solmate's
    assert power > -41446531673892821376
    assert power < 135305999368893231589

    x: int256 = unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(power, 2**96), 10**18)

    k: int256 = unsafe_div(
            unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(x, 2**96), 54916777467707473351141471128),
    x = unsafe_sub(x, unsafe_mul(k, 54916777467707473351141471128))

    y: int256 = unsafe_add(x, 1346386616545796478920950773328)
    y = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(y, x), 2**96), 57155421227552351082224309758442)
    p: int256 = unsafe_sub(unsafe_add(y, x), 94201549194550492254356042504812)
    p = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(p, y), 2**96), 28719021644029726153956944680412240)
    p = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(p, x), (4385272521454847904659076985693276 * 2**96))

    q: int256 = x - 2855989394907223263936484059900
    q = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 50020603652535783019961831881945)
    q = unsafe_sub(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 533845033583426703283633433725380)
    q = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 3604857256930695427073651918091429)
    q = unsafe_sub(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 14423608567350463180887372962807573)
    q = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 26449188498355588339934803723976023)

    exp_result: uint256 = shift(
        unsafe_mul(convert(unsafe_div(p, q), uint256), 3822833074963236453042738258902158003155416615667),
        unsafe_sub(k, 195))
    ## End exp
    assert exp_result > 1000  # dev: limit precision of the multiplier
    return unsafe_div(self._base_price() * exp_result, 10**18)
>>> AMM.p_oracle_up(-47)
>>> AMM.p_oracle_up(-48)
>>> AMM.p_oracle_up(-49)


AMM.p_oracle_down(n: int256) -> uint256:

Getter for the lowest oracle price of the collateral in band n when p = p_oracle.

Returns: lowest oracle price (uint256) in band n.

Input Type Description
n int256 Band
Source code
def p_oracle_down(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Lowest oracle price for the band to have liquidity when p = p_oracle
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    return self._p_oracle_up(n + 1)

def _p_oracle_up(n: int256) -> uint256:
    @notice Upper oracle price for the band to have liquidity when p = p_oracle
    @param n Band number (can be negative)
    @return Price at 1e18 base
    # p_oracle_up(n) = p_base * ((A - 1) / A) ** n
    # p_oracle_down(n) = p_base * ((A - 1) / A) ** (n + 1) = p_oracle_up(n+1)
    # return unsafe_div(self._base_price() * self.exp_int(-n * LOG_A_RATIO), 10**18)

    power: int256 = -n * LOG_A_RATIO

    # ((A - 1) / A) ** n = exp(-n * A / (A - 1)) = exp(-n * LOG_A_RATIO)
    ## Exp implementation based on solmate's
    assert power > -42139678854452767551
    assert power < 135305999368893231589

    x: int256 = unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(power, 2**96), 10**18)

    k: int256 = unsafe_div(
            unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(x, 2**96), 54916777467707473351141471128),
    x = unsafe_sub(x, unsafe_mul(k, 54916777467707473351141471128))

    y: int256 = unsafe_add(x, 1346386616545796478920950773328)
    y = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(y, x), 2**96), 57155421227552351082224309758442)
    p: int256 = unsafe_sub(unsafe_add(y, x), 94201549194550492254356042504812)
    p = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(p, y), 2**96), 28719021644029726153956944680412240)
    p = unsafe_add(unsafe_mul(p, x), (4385272521454847904659076985693276 * 2**96))

    q: int256 = x - 2855989394907223263936484059900
    q = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 50020603652535783019961831881945)
    q = unsafe_sub(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 533845033583426703283633433725380)
    q = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 3604857256930695427073651918091429)
    q = unsafe_sub(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 14423608567350463180887372962807573)
    q = unsafe_add(unsafe_div(unsafe_mul(q, x), 2**96), 26449188498355588339934803723976023)

    exp_result: uint256 = shift(
        unsafe_mul(convert(unsafe_div(p, q), uint256), 3822833074963236453042738258902158003155416615667),
        unsafe_sub(k, 195))
    ## End exp
    return unsafe_div(self._base_price() * exp_result, 10**18)
>>> AMM.p_oracle_down(-47)
>>> AMM.p_oracle_down(-48)
>>> AMM.p_oracle_down(-49)


AMM.get_p() -> uint256:

Function to get the current AMM price in active_band.

Returns: current AMM price (uint256).

Source code
def get_p() -> uint256:
    @notice Get current AMM price in active_band
    @return Current price at 1e18 base
    n: int256 = self.active_band
    return self._get_p(n, self.bands_x[n], self.bands_y[n])

def _get_p(n: int256, x: uint256, y: uint256) -> uint256:
    @notice Get current AMM price in band
    @param n Band number
    @param x Amount of stablecoin in band
    @param y Amount of collateral in band
    @return Current price at 1e18 base
    p_o_up: uint256 = self._p_oracle_up(n)
    p_o: uint256 = self._price_oracle_ro()[0]
    assert p_o_up != 0

    # Special cases
    if x == 0:
        if y == 0:  # x and y are 0
            # Return mid-band
            return unsafe_div((unsafe_div(unsafe_div(p_o**2, p_o_up) * p_o, p_o_up) * A), Aminus1)
        # if x == 0: # Lowest point of this band -> p_current_down
        return unsafe_div(unsafe_div(p_o**2, p_o_up) * p_o, p_o_up)
    if y == 0: # Highest point of this band -> p_current_up
        p_o_up = unsafe_div(p_o_up * Aminus1, A)  # now this is _actually_ p_o_down
        return unsafe_div(p_o**2 / p_o_up * p_o, p_o_up)

    y0: uint256 = self._get_y0(x, y, p_o, p_o_up)
    # ^ that call also checks that p_o != 0

    # (f(y0) + x) / (g(y0) + y)
    f: uint256 = unsafe_div(A * y0 * p_o, p_o_up) * p_o
    g: uint256 = unsafe_div(Aminus1 * y0 * p_o_up, p_o)
    return (f + x * 10**18) / (g + y)
>>> AMM.get_p()


AMM.price_oracle_contract() -> uint256: view

Getter for the price oracle contract.

Returns: oracle contract (address).

Input Type Description
i uint256 Index
Source code
price_oracle_contract: public(PriceOracle)

def __init__(
        _borrowed_token: address,
        _borrowed_precision: uint256,
        _collateral_token: address,
        _collateral_precision: uint256,
        _A: uint256,
        _sqrt_band_ratio: uint256,
        _log_A_ratio: int256,
        _base_price: uint256,
        fee: uint256,
        admin_fee: uint256,
        _price_oracle_contract: address,
    @notice LLAMMA constructor
    @param _borrowed_token Token which is being borrowed
    @param _collateral_token Token used as collateral
    @param _collateral_precision Precision of collateral: we pass it because we want the blueprint to fit into bytecode
    @param _A "Amplification coefficient" which also defines density of liquidity and band size. Relative band size is 1/_A
    @param _sqrt_band_ratio Precomputed int(sqrt(A / (A - 1)) * 1e18)
    @param _log_A_ratio Precomputed int(ln(A / (A - 1)) * 1e18)
    @param _base_price Typically the initial crypto price at which AMM is deployed. Will correspond to band 0
    @param fee Relative fee of the AMM: int(fee * 1e18)
    @param admin_fee Admin fee: how much of fee goes to admin. 50% === int(0.5 * 1e18)
    @param _price_oracle_contract External price oracle which has price() and price_w() methods
        which both return current price of collateral multiplied by 1e18


    self.price_oracle_contract = PriceOracle(_price_oracle_contract)

>>> AMM.price_oracle_contract()


AMM.dynamic_fee() -> uint256: view

Getter for the dynamic fee of the AMM. Dynamic fee is set to the maixmum of either fee or _price_oracle_ro().

Returns: dynamic fee (uint256).

Source code
def dynamic_fee() -> uint256:
    @notice Dynamic fee which accounts for price_oracle shifts
    return max(self.fee, self._price_oracle_ro()[1])

def _price_oracle_ro() -> uint256[2]:
    return self.limit_p_o(price_oracle_contract.price())

def limit_p_o(p: uint256) -> uint256[2]:
    @notice Limits oracle price to avoid losses at abrupt changes, as well as calculates a dynamic fee.
        If we consider oracle_change such as:
            ratio = p_new / p_old
        (let's take for simplicity p_new < p_old, otherwise we compute p_old / p_new)
        Then if the minimal AMM fee will be:
            fee = (1 - ratio**3),
        AMM will not have a loss associated with the price change.
        However, over time fee should still go down (over PREV_P_O_DELAY), and also ratio should be limited
        because we don't want the fee to become too large (say, 50%) which is achieved by limiting the instantaneous
        change in oracle price.

    @return (limited_price_oracle, dynamic_fee)
    p_new: uint256 = p
    dt: uint256 = unsafe_sub(PREV_P_O_DELAY, min(PREV_P_O_DELAY, block.timestamp - self.prev_p_o_time))
    ratio: uint256 = 0

    # ratio = 1 - (p_o_min / p_o_max)**3

    if dt > 0:
        old_p_o: uint256 = self.old_p_o
        old_ratio: uint256 = self.old_dfee
        # ratio = p_o_min / p_o_max
        if p > old_p_o:
            ratio = unsafe_div(old_p_o * 10**18, p)
            if ratio < 10**36 / MAX_P_O_CHG:
                p_new = unsafe_div(old_p_o * MAX_P_O_CHG, 10**18)
                ratio = 10**36 / MAX_P_O_CHG
            ratio = unsafe_div(p * 10**18, old_p_o)
            if ratio < 10**36 / MAX_P_O_CHG:
                p_new = unsafe_div(old_p_o * 10**18, MAX_P_O_CHG)
                ratio = 10**36 / MAX_P_O_CHG

        # ratio is lower than 1e18
        # Also guaranteed to be limited, therefore can have all ops unsafe
        ratio = min(
                    unsafe_sub(unsafe_add(10**18, old_ratio), unsafe_div(pow_mod256(ratio, 3), 10**36)),  # (f' + (1 - r**3))
                    dt),                                                                                  # * dt / T
        10**18 - 1)

    return [p_new, ratio]
>>> AMM.dynamic_fee()


AMM.get_xy(user: address) -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT][2]:

Function to measure balances of stablecoin and collateral across the different bands for user.

Returns: balances of stablecoin and collateral token (uint256) in the different bands.

Input Type Description
user address User address
Source code
def get_xy(user: address) -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT][2]:
    @notice A low-gas function to measure amounts of stablecoins and collateral by bands which user currently owns
    @param user User address
    @return Amounts of (stablecoin, collateral) by bands in a tuple
    return self._get_xy(user, False)

def _get_xy(user: address, is_sum: bool) -> DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT][2]:
    @notice A low-gas function to measure amounts of stablecoins and collateral which user currently owns
    @param user User address
    @param is_sum Return sum or amounts by bands
    @return Amounts of (stablecoin, collateral) in a tuple
    xs: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    ys: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = []
    if is_sum:
    ns: int256[2] = self._read_user_tick_numbers(user)
    ticks: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT] = self._read_user_ticks(user, ns)
    if ticks[0] != 0:
        for i in range(MAX_TICKS):
            total_shares: uint256 = self.total_shares[ns[0]] + DEAD_SHARES
            ds: uint256 = ticks[i]
            dx: uint256 = unsafe_div((self.bands_x[ns[0]] + 1) * ds, total_shares)
            dy: uint256 = unsafe_div((self.bands_y[ns[0]] + 1) * ds, total_shares)
            if is_sum:
                xs[0] += dx
                ys[0] += dy
                xs.append(unsafe_div(dx, BORROWED_PRECISION))
                ys.append(unsafe_div(dy, COLLATERAL_PRECISION))
            if ns[0] == ns[1]:
            ns[0] = unsafe_add(ns[0], 1)

    if is_sum:
        xs[0] = unsafe_div(xs[0], BORROWED_PRECISION)
        ys[0] = unsafe_div(ys[0], COLLATERAL_PRECISION)

    return [xs, ys]
>>> AMM.get_xy(trader) 
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[33333333333333343, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333, 33333333333333333]]



AMM.liquidity_mining_callback() -> address: view

Getter for the liquidity mining callback address.

Returns: liquidity mining callback contract (address).

Source code
liquidity_mining_callback: public(LMGauge)
>>> AMM.liquidity_mining_callback()


AMM.set_callback(liquidity_mining_callback: LMGauge):

Guarded Method

This function is only callable by the admin of the contract, which is the Controller.

Function to set the liquidity mining callback.

Input Type Description
liquidity_mining_callback LMGauge Liquidity Mining Gauge Address
Source code
interface LMGauge:
    def callback_collateral_shares(n: int256, collateral_per_share: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT]): nonpayable
    def callback_user_shares(user: address, n: int256, user_shares: DynArray[uint256, MAX_TICKS_UINT]): nonpayable

liquidity_mining_callback: public(LMGauge)

# nonreentrant decorator is in Controller which is admin
def set_callback(liquidity_mining_callback: LMGauge):
    @notice Set a gauge address with callbacks for liquidity mining for collateral
    @param liquidity_mining_callback Gauge address
    assert msg.sender == self.admin
    self.liquidity_mining_callback = liquidity_mining_callback
>>> AMM.set_callback("todo")