Gauge Controller
The GaugeController is responsible for managing and coordinating the distribution of rewards to liquidity providers in various liquidity pools. It determines the allocation of CRV rewards based on the liquidity provided by users. By analyzing the gauges, which are parameters that define how rewards are distributed across different pools, the GaugeController ensures a fair and balanced distribution of incentives, encouraging liquidity provision and participation in Curve's ecosystem.
Contract Source & Deployment
GaugeController contract is deployed to the Ethereum mainnet at: 0x2F50D538606Fa9EDD2B11E2446BEb18C9D5846bB.
Source code available on Github.
Gauge Types¶
More on gauge types see here.
GaugeController.gauge_types(_addr: address) -> int128
Getter for the gauge type of gauge _addr
Returns: gauge type (int128
Input | Type | Description |
_addr | address | gauge address |
Source code
GaugeController.n_gauge_types() -> int128: view
Getter for the total number of gauge types.
Returns: number of gauge types (int128
Source code
n_gauge_types: public(int128)
def add_type(_name: String[64], weight: uint256 = 0):
@notice Add gauge type with name `_name` and weight `weight`
@param _name Name of gauge type
@param weight Weight of gauge type
assert msg.sender == self.admin
type_id: int128 = self.n_gauge_types
self.gauge_type_names[type_id] = _name
self.n_gauge_types = type_id + 1
if weight != 0:
self._change_type_weight(type_id, weight)
log AddType(_name, type_id)
GaugeController.gauge_type_names(arg0: int128) -> string: view
Getter for the name of gauge type at index arg0
Returns: type name (string
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | int128 | index |
Source code
gauge_type_names: public(HashMap[int128, String[64]])
def add_type(_name: String[64], weight: uint256 = 0):
@notice Add gauge type with name `_name` and weight `weight`
@param _name Name of gauge type
@param weight Weight of gauge type
assert msg.sender == self.admin
type_id: int128 = self.n_gauge_types
self.gauge_type_names[type_id] = _name
self.n_gauge_types = type_id + 1
if weight != 0:
self._change_type_weight(type_id, weight)
log AddType(_name, type_id)
GaugeController.get_type_weight(type_id: int128) -> uint256
Getter for the type weight of type_id
Returns: type weight (uint256
Input | Type | Description |
type_id | int128 | gauge type id |
Source code
def get_type_weight(type_id: int128) -> uint256:
@notice Get current type weight
@param type_id Type id
@return Type weight
return self.points_type_weight[type_id][self.time_type_weight[type_id]]
def _get_type_weight(gauge_type: int128) -> uint256:
@notice Fill historic type weights week-over-week for missed checkins
and return the type weight for the future week
@param gauge_type Gauge type id
@return Type weight
t: uint256 = self.time_type_weight[gauge_type]
if t > 0:
w: uint256 = self.points_type_weight[gauge_type][t]
for i in range(500):
if t > block.timestamp:
t += WEEK
self.points_type_weight[gauge_type][t] = w
if t > block.timestamp:
self.time_type_weight[gauge_type] = t
return w
return 0
Gauges Weights¶
GaugeController.gauge_relative_weight(addr: address, time: uint256 = block.timestamp) -> uint256
Getter for the relative weight of gauge addr
at timestamp time
Returns: relative gauge weight (uint256
Input | Type | Description |
addr | address | gauge address |
time | uint256 | timestamp; defaults to block.timestamp |
The value of relative weight is normalized to 1e18.
Source code
def _gauge_relative_weight(addr: address, time: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Get Gauge relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18
(e.g. 1.0 == 1e18). Inflation which will be received by it is
inflation_rate * relative_weight / 1e18
@param addr Gauge address
@param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present
@return Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18
t: uint256 = time / WEEK * WEEK
_total_weight: uint256 = self.points_total[t]
if _total_weight > 0:
gauge_type: int128 = self.gauge_types_[addr] - 1
_type_weight: uint256 = self.points_type_weight[gauge_type][t]
_gauge_weight: uint256 = self.points_weight[addr][t].bias
return MULTIPLIER * _type_weight * _gauge_weight / _total_weight
return 0
def gauge_relative_weight(addr: address, time: uint256 = block.timestamp) -> uint256:
@notice Get Gauge relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18
(e.g. 1.0 == 1e18). Inflation which will be received by it is
inflation_rate * relative_weight / 1e18
@param addr Gauge address
@param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present
@return Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18
return self._gauge_relative_weight(addr, time)
GaugeController.get_gauge_weight(addr: address) -> uint256`
Getter for the current gauge weight of gauge addr
Returns: gauge weight (uint256
Input | Type | Description |
addr | address | gauge address |
Source code
GaugeController.get_total_weight() -> uint256
Getter for the current total (type-weighted) weight.
Returns: total weight (uint256
Source code
GaugeController.get_weights_sum_per_type(type_id: int128) -> uint256
Getter for the summed weight of gauge type type_id
Returns: summed weight (uint256
Input | Type | Description |
type_id | int128 | gauge type id |
Source code
points_sum: public(HashMap[int128, HashMap[uint256, Point]]) # type_id -> time -> Point
def get_weights_sum_per_type(type_id: int128) -> uint256:
@notice Get sum of gauge weights per type
@param type_id Type id
@return Sum of gauge weights
return self.points_sum[type_id][self.time_sum[type_id]].bias
Gauge Info¶
GaugeController.n_gauges -> int128: view
Getter for the total amount of individual gauges.
Returns: amount of gauges (int128
Source code
n_gauges: public(int128)
def add_gauge(addr: address, gauge_type: int128, weight: uint256 = 0):
@notice Add gauge `addr` of type `gauge_type` with weight `weight`
@param addr Gauge address
@param gauge_type Gauge type
@param weight Gauge weight
assert msg.sender == self.admin
assert (gauge_type >= 0) and (gauge_type < self.n_gauge_types)
assert self.gauge_types_[addr] == 0 # dev: cannot add the same gauge twice
n: int128 = self.n_gauges
self.n_gauges = n + 1
self.gauges[n] = addr
self.gauge_types_[addr] = gauge_type + 1
next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK
if weight > 0:
_type_weight: uint256 = self._get_type_weight(gauge_type)
_old_sum: uint256 = self._get_sum(gauge_type)
_old_total: uint256 = self._get_total()
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].bias = weight + _old_sum
self.time_sum[gauge_type] = next_time
self.points_total[next_time] = _old_total + _type_weight * weight
self.time_total = next_time
self.points_weight[addr][next_time].bias = weight
if self.time_sum[gauge_type] == 0:
self.time_sum[gauge_type] = next_time
self.time_weight[addr] = next_time
log NewGauge(addr, gauge_type, weight)
GaugeController.gauges(arg0: uint256) -> address: view
Getter for the gauge address at index arg0
Returns: gauge (address
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | gauge index |
Source code
gauges: public(address[1000000000])
def add_gauge(addr: address, gauge_type: int128, weight: uint256 = 0):
@notice Add gauge `addr` of type `gauge_type` with weight `weight`
@param addr Gauge address
@param gauge_type Gauge type
@param weight Gauge weight
assert msg.sender == self.admin
assert (gauge_type >= 0) and (gauge_type < self.n_gauge_types)
assert self.gauge_types_[addr] == 0 # dev: cannot add the same gauge twice
n: int128 = self.n_gauges
self.n_gauges = n + 1
self.gauges[n] = addr
self.gauge_types_[addr] = gauge_type + 1
next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK
Vote weight power is expressed as an integer
in bps (units of 0.01%). 10000
is equivalent to a 100% vote weight.
GaugeController.vote_for_gauge_weights(_gauge_addr: address, _user_weight: uint256):
A gauge weight vote may only be modified once every 10 days.
Function to allocate _user_weight
voting power to gauge _gauge_addr
. Weight for a gauge is measured in bps (uints of 0.01%). Minimal weight is 0.01%.
Emits: VoteForGauge
Input | Type | Description |
_gauge_addr | address | gauge address |
_user_weight | address | user weight |
Source code
event VoteForGauge:
time: uint256
user: address
gauge_addr: address
weight: uint256
def vote_for_gauge_weights(_gauge_addr: address, _user_weight: uint256):
@notice Allocate voting power for changing pool weights
@param _gauge_addr Gauge which `msg.sender` votes for
@param _user_weight Weight for a gauge in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0
escrow: address = self.voting_escrow
slope: uint256 = convert(VotingEscrow(escrow).get_last_user_slope(msg.sender), uint256)
lock_end: uint256 = VotingEscrow(escrow).locked__end(msg.sender)
_n_gauges: int128 = self.n_gauges
next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK
assert lock_end > next_time, "Your token lock expires too soon"
assert (_user_weight >= 0) and (_user_weight <= 10000), "You used all your voting power"
assert block.timestamp >= self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY, "Cannot vote so often"
gauge_type: int128 = self.gauge_types_[_gauge_addr] - 1
assert gauge_type >= 0, "Gauge not added"
# Prepare slopes and biases in memory
old_slope: VotedSlope = self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr]
old_dt: uint256 = 0
if old_slope.end > next_time:
old_dt = old_slope.end - next_time
old_bias: uint256 = old_slope.slope * old_dt
new_slope: VotedSlope = VotedSlope({
slope: slope * _user_weight / 10000,
end: lock_end,
power: _user_weight
new_dt: uint256 = lock_end - next_time # dev: raises when expired
new_bias: uint256 = new_slope.slope * new_dt
# Check and update powers (weights) used
power_used: uint256 = self.vote_user_power[msg.sender]
power_used = power_used + new_slope.power - old_slope.power
self.vote_user_power[msg.sender] = power_used
assert (power_used >= 0) and (power_used <= 10000), 'Used too much power'
## Remove old and schedule new slope changes
# Remove slope changes for old slopes
# Schedule recording of initial slope for next_time
old_weight_bias: uint256 = self._get_weight(_gauge_addr)
old_weight_slope: uint256 = self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope
old_sum_bias: uint256 = self._get_sum(gauge_type)
old_sum_slope: uint256 = self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].bias = max(old_weight_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].bias = max(old_sum_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
if old_slope.end > next_time:
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope = max(old_weight_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope = max(old_sum_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
if old_slope.end > block.timestamp:
# Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
self.changes_sum[gauge_type][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
# Add slope changes for new slopes
self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope
self.changes_sum[gauge_type][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope
self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = new_slope
# Record last action time
self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = block.timestamp
log VoteForGauge(block.timestamp, msg.sender, _gauge_addr, _user_weight)
GaugeController.vote_user_power(arg0: address) -> uint256: view
Getter method for the total voting power used by address arg0
Returns: used voting power (uint256
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | address | user address |
Source code
vote_user_power: public(HashMap[address, uint256]) # Total vote power used by user
def vote_for_gauge_weights(_gauge_addr: address, _user_weight: uint256):
@notice Allocate voting power for changing pool weights
@param _gauge_addr Gauge which `msg.sender` votes for
@param _user_weight Weight for a gauge in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0
escrow: address = self.voting_escrow
slope: uint256 = convert(VotingEscrow(escrow).get_last_user_slope(msg.sender), uint256)
lock_end: uint256 = VotingEscrow(escrow).locked__end(msg.sender)
_n_gauges: int128 = self.n_gauges
next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK
assert lock_end > next_time, "Your token lock expires too soon"
assert (_user_weight >= 0) and (_user_weight <= 10000), "You used all your voting power"
assert block.timestamp >= self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY, "Cannot vote so often"
gauge_type: int128 = self.gauge_types_[_gauge_addr] - 1
assert gauge_type >= 0, "Gauge not added"
# Prepare slopes and biases in memory
old_slope: VotedSlope = self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr]
old_dt: uint256 = 0
if old_slope.end > next_time:
old_dt = old_slope.end - next_time
old_bias: uint256 = old_slope.slope * old_dt
new_slope: VotedSlope = VotedSlope({
slope: slope * _user_weight / 10000,
end: lock_end,
power: _user_weight
new_dt: uint256 = lock_end - next_time # dev: raises when expired
new_bias: uint256 = new_slope.slope * new_dt
# Check and update powers (weights) used
power_used: uint256 = self.vote_user_power[msg.sender]
power_used = power_used + new_slope.power - old_slope.power
self.vote_user_power[msg.sender] = power_used
assert (power_used >= 0) and (power_used <= 10000), 'Used too much power'
## Remove old and schedule new slope changes
# Remove slope changes for old slopes
# Schedule recording of initial slope for next_time
old_weight_bias: uint256 = self._get_weight(_gauge_addr)
old_weight_slope: uint256 = self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope
old_sum_bias: uint256 = self._get_sum(gauge_type)
old_sum_slope: uint256 = self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].bias = max(old_weight_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].bias = max(old_sum_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
if old_slope.end > next_time:
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope = max(old_weight_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope = max(old_sum_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
if old_slope.end > block.timestamp:
# Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
self.changes_sum[gauge_type][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
# Add slope changes for new slopes
self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope
self.changes_sum[gauge_type][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope
self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = new_slope
# Record last action time
self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = block.timestamp
log VoteForGauge(block.timestamp, msg.sender, _gauge_addr, _user_weight)
GaugeController.last_user_vote(arg0: address, arg1: address) -> uint256: view
Getter for the last timestamp user arg0
voted for gauge arg1
Returns: timestamp (uint256
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | address | user address |
arg1 | address | gauge address |
Source code
last_user_vote: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]) # Last user vote's timestamp for each gauge address
def vote_for_gauge_weights(_gauge_addr: address, _user_weight: uint256):
@notice Allocate voting power for changing pool weights
@param _gauge_addr Gauge which `msg.sender` votes for
@param _user_weight Weight for a gauge in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0
escrow: address = self.voting_escrow
slope: uint256 = convert(VotingEscrow(escrow).get_last_user_slope(msg.sender), uint256)
lock_end: uint256 = VotingEscrow(escrow).locked__end(msg.sender)
_n_gauges: int128 = self.n_gauges
next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK
assert lock_end > next_time, "Your token lock expires too soon"
assert (_user_weight >= 0) and (_user_weight <= 10000), "You used all your voting power"
assert block.timestamp >= self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY, "Cannot vote so often"
gauge_type: int128 = self.gauge_types_[_gauge_addr] - 1
assert gauge_type >= 0, "Gauge not added"
# Prepare slopes and biases in memory
old_slope: VotedSlope = self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr]
old_dt: uint256 = 0
if old_slope.end > next_time:
old_dt = old_slope.end - next_time
old_bias: uint256 = old_slope.slope * old_dt
new_slope: VotedSlope = VotedSlope({
slope: slope * _user_weight / 10000,
end: lock_end,
power: _user_weight
new_dt: uint256 = lock_end - next_time # dev: raises when expired
new_bias: uint256 = new_slope.slope * new_dt
# Check and update powers (weights) used
power_used: uint256 = self.vote_user_power[msg.sender]
power_used = power_used + new_slope.power - old_slope.power
self.vote_user_power[msg.sender] = power_used
assert (power_used >= 0) and (power_used <= 10000), 'Used too much power'
## Remove old and schedule new slope changes
# Remove slope changes for old slopes
# Schedule recording of initial slope for next_time
old_weight_bias: uint256 = self._get_weight(_gauge_addr)
old_weight_slope: uint256 = self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope
old_sum_bias: uint256 = self._get_sum(gauge_type)
old_sum_slope: uint256 = self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].bias = max(old_weight_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].bias = max(old_sum_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
if old_slope.end > next_time:
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope = max(old_weight_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope = max(old_sum_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
if old_slope.end > block.timestamp:
# Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
self.changes_sum[gauge_type][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
# Add slope changes for new slopes
self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope
self.changes_sum[gauge_type][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope
self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = new_slope
# Record last action time
self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = block.timestamp
log VoteForGauge(block.timestamp, msg.sender, _gauge_addr, _user_weight)
GaugeController.vote_user_slopes(arg0: address, arg1: address) -> slope: uint256, power: uint256, end: uint256
Getter method for informations about users's arg0
current vote weight for gauge arg1
Returns: slope (uint256
), allocated voting-power (uint256
) and veCRV lock end (uint256
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | address | user address |
arg1 | address | gauge address |
Source code
vote_user_slopes: public(HashMap[address, HashMap[address, VotedSlope]]) # user -> gauge_addr -> VotedSlope
def vote_for_gauge_weights(_gauge_addr: address, _user_weight: uint256):
@notice Allocate voting power for changing pool weights
@param _gauge_addr Gauge which `msg.sender` votes for
@param _user_weight Weight for a gauge in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0
escrow: address = self.voting_escrow
slope: uint256 = convert(VotingEscrow(escrow).get_last_user_slope(msg.sender), uint256)
lock_end: uint256 = VotingEscrow(escrow).locked__end(msg.sender)
_n_gauges: int128 = self.n_gauges
next_time: uint256 = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK
assert lock_end > next_time, "Your token lock expires too soon"
assert (_user_weight >= 0) and (_user_weight <= 10000), "You used all your voting power"
assert block.timestamp >= self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY, "Cannot vote so often"
gauge_type: int128 = self.gauge_types_[_gauge_addr] - 1
assert gauge_type >= 0, "Gauge not added"
# Prepare slopes and biases in memory
old_slope: VotedSlope = self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr]
old_dt: uint256 = 0
if old_slope.end > next_time:
old_dt = old_slope.end - next_time
old_bias: uint256 = old_slope.slope * old_dt
new_slope: VotedSlope = VotedSlope({
slope: slope * _user_weight / 10000,
end: lock_end,
power: _user_weight
new_dt: uint256 = lock_end - next_time # dev: raises when expired
new_bias: uint256 = new_slope.slope * new_dt
# Check and update powers (weights) used
power_used: uint256 = self.vote_user_power[msg.sender]
power_used = power_used + new_slope.power - old_slope.power
self.vote_user_power[msg.sender] = power_used
assert (power_used >= 0) and (power_used <= 10000), 'Used too much power'
## Remove old and schedule new slope changes
# Remove slope changes for old slopes
# Schedule recording of initial slope for next_time
old_weight_bias: uint256 = self._get_weight(_gauge_addr)
old_weight_slope: uint256 = self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope
old_sum_bias: uint256 = self._get_sum(gauge_type)
old_sum_slope: uint256 = self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].bias = max(old_weight_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].bias = max(old_sum_bias + new_bias, old_bias) - old_bias
if old_slope.end > next_time:
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope = max(old_weight_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope = max(old_sum_slope + new_slope.slope, old_slope.slope) - old_slope.slope
self.points_weight[_gauge_addr][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
self.points_sum[gauge_type][next_time].slope += new_slope.slope
if old_slope.end > block.timestamp:
# Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
self.changes_sum[gauge_type][old_slope.end] -= old_slope.slope
# Add slope changes for new slopes
self.changes_weight[_gauge_addr][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope
self.changes_sum[gauge_type][new_slope.end] += new_slope.slope
self.vote_user_slopes[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = new_slope
# Record last action time
self.last_user_vote[msg.sender][_gauge_addr] = block.timestamp
log VoteForGauge(block.timestamp, msg.sender, _gauge_addr, _user_weight)
Admin Ownership¶
Admin ownership can be commited by calling commit_transfer_ownership
. Changes then need to be applied. The current admin
is the OwnershipAgent, which would require a DAO vote to change it.
GaugeController.admin() -> address: view
Getter for the admin of the contract.
Returns: admin (address
Source code
GaugeController.future_admin() -> address: view
Getter for the future admin of the contract.
Returns: future admin (address
Contract Info Methods¶
GaugeController.token() -> address: view
Getter for the Curve DAO Token.
Returns: crv token (address
Source code
GaugeController.voting_escrow() -> address: view
Getter for the VotingEscrow contract.
Returns: voting escrow (address
Source code
voting_escrow: public(address) # Voting escrow
def __init__(_token: address, _voting_escrow: address):
@notice Contract constructor
@param _token `ERC20CRV` contract address
@param _voting_escrow `VotingEscrow` contract address
assert _voting_escrow != ZERO_ADDRESS
self.voting_escrow = _voting_escrow